Do You Believe In Easter?
Speaker: David Farrell
The Easter message through readings and song.
Encounters With The Risen Lord
A brief evening series looking at 3 encounters with Christ after the Resurrection. The final night will be a Q&A format, offering the chance to hear some of your potential questions about the Easter story answered.
Our Father In Heaven
Speaker: Jim Crookes
This 3-week series seeks to address the character of God the Father, offering Scriptural insight into His work as the First Person of the Trinity.
Psalms Of Praise
Speaker: James McKeown
A study on two short Psalms that offer encouragement to the believer's heart.
Living Faith: A Study In James
James, the half-brother of the Lord Jesus, was not a believer during His ministry, but a vision of the risen Christ transformed James͛ life. Now a leader in the early church, he writes to a group of Jewish Christian communities outside Palestine to encourage them to live out their faith practically. His primary focus is being a doer and not just a hearer of the Word. With that in mind, he calls them to turn from worldly living and seek God͛s wisdom to work out their problems and walk worthy of Christ. The aim of this study is to likewise encourage us to ͚live͛ our faith in a culture hostile to the truth of God͛s Word.
Strength Through Wisdom
The book of Proverbs provides excellent training in all the qualities needed both for individuals and for society to live strong and wholesome lives.Rather than taking the book chapter by chapter, we have selected themes/aspects of life, each of which are addressed at various points throughout the book. Speakers are free to modify the suggested list of relevant proverbs for their topic.