Influential Christians from Ireland
Four weeks looking at Christians from Ireland who God used to powerfully work in this land and abroad.
Studies in 1 Peter
Through May and June we are devoting five weeks to studying the book of 1 Peter.
The life of God’s people rarely follows a nice straight line. There are ups and downs as we get waylaid or become apathetic and then have to be restored by the Lord. Join us over the next few months as we look at some short books in the Old Testament as well as some characters from the New Testament which show graphically this process taking place. We will see how God worked with his people and restored them – not just to their land, but to Himself.
Studies in Matthew
This is the first of three series looking at the book of Matthew and its account of the life of Jesus Christ. We will be taking 7 weeks to go through the first 7 chapters of this gospel.
New Beginnings
The New Year is a time for new beginnings. We would like to invite you to hear the stories of four people who met Jesus Christ. He transformed their lives– and gave them a new beginning.
Inspired By God's People
A series looking at how ordinary people were used by God in miraculous ways.