Approaching God - The Tabernacle
This series focuses on the key concepts of how God wants us to approach Him, and how we can enjoy His presence in our lives, with a practical emphasis of how it affects our worship of God, as individuals and as a church. The tabernacle acted as a prototype of the reality which was revealed in Christ.

Reformation Sunday: 1517-2017
Five hundred years on from Martin Luther and his '95 Theses', we reflect back on the importance of the change brought about by the Reformation.
Missions Conference 2017
Listen to encouraging stories from missionaries around the globe of how Christ's Kingdom is growing and the message of Salvation is spreading!

Hope is more than mere wishful thinking. Hope is a vital necessity of life – a gift that God wants to give us, a source of strength and courage in the face of life’s harshest trials. Through passages from both the Old and New Testaments, we look at how to ground your hope in God, knowing that His power, His provision and His presence are all that we need. These aspects provide the ante-dote to despair, cynicism and putting our hope in the wrong things. This teaching series will have a strong pastoral approach and will seek to encourage believers to hold fast to the God of hope and to help those without God and without hope to find Him in their lives.