Inspired By God
A series looking at the awe-inspiring works of God and the impact that seeing His glory can have on believers both throughout the Bible and those of us living for Him today.
Psalms Which Are Precious
A study of some of the most well loved Psalms and their ability to challenge, rebuke, comfort and give hope.
What Does It Mean To Be Human?
A study of mankind, looking at man’s nature and purpose both through biblical examples and contemporary society.
Lessons From The Epistles
A short series looking at some of the smaller epistles in the New Testament.
Studies In Ruth
In this carefully structured book, we find how the Lord deals with several personal situations and life stories. There is the story of Naomi, who at the beginning is someone whose life is emptied of joy, but who eventually experiences life filled with joy. There is Ruth herself, and her role not only in bringing joy to Naomi and Boaz. In so doing, she becomes part of the lineage of David – and ultimately of Christ Himself. And there is Boaz, who was faithful to God, and who respected his inheritance when others like Elimelech were departing.
You Can Change
A series that looks at the powerful work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, granting us the strength and ability to be ever-increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ.